Home Fanlisting Anya Website

to Ever The Wordsmith, the Fanlisting for the unintentionally hilarious, frequently tactless, always inappropriate, brutally honest, bunny fearing, money loving (ex-)demon Anya Jenkins (a.k.a Aud a.k.a. Anyanka)! Anya first appeared in season 3 of the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and became a series regular in season 5. She is played by actress Emma Caulfield. The fitting intro was written by Krissy (tilldawnyouglow.org), who allowed me to keep using it because I felt that nothing else could be more perfect. Anya is not only my favorite female character on the show, she's one of my favorite Buffy characters in general. If you are a fan of Anya, show your support by joining the Fanlisting!

Last updated: 24th February 2025
Member count: 704, from 45 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Kelli


This website is owned by Mikh and is listed at The Fanlistings Network. The previous owner of the Fanlisting was Krissy (tilldawnyouglow.org). Prior to that, it was owned by Morgan (foursweatervests.org) and Brandon (sweet-revenge.org).

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